Inter IISER Sports Meet (IISM) is the annual celebration of the flair and adroitness associated
with some of the best sportspeople from across the various IISERs, NISER, IISc and UM-DAE CEBS.
It has turned into a grand fest cherishing sportmanship over the years and this year is only
going to take it higher.
IISER TVM is committed to cross the finishing line with poised greatness that wil be etched in the history records of IISM. As the tenth edition of IISM 2023 sets out in all it's splendor at IISER Thiruvananthapuram, it's our privelege to invite all community members to be a part of IISM 2023.
IISER TVM is committed to cross the finishing line with poised greatness that wil be etched in the history records of IISM. As the tenth edition of IISM 2023 sets out in all it's splendor at IISER Thiruvananthapuram, it's our privelege to invite all community members to be a part of IISM 2023.